Transitions from the LITERAL and LOCAL to the SPIRITUAL and GLOBAL occur in prophecy. While the names remain the same, there is a change in meaning to those names when the literal transitions to the spiritual. In Daniel chapter 2, literal Babylon, the head of Gold transitions to Spiritual Babylon in the feet of Iron* (Rome) and clay* (religion - Isaiah 64:8, Jeremiah 18:6) in the form of Papal Rome as noted in the graphics below.
Clay is symbolic of a people in relationship to their God i.e. religion in Scripture
Iron represents the state power, in this case of Rome connected with the religion of professed Christianity or the clay of the Bible - hence Papal Rome is the feet of Iron & Clay
In Daniel 2, the Head of Gold of the great image is identified as Babylon.
The chest of Silver is said to be Medo-Persia.
The Brass torso and thighs represents Grecia (Greece).
The Legs of Iron is Imperial Rome.
There is a transition from the legs of Iron to the feet of Iron & Clay.
The feet containing Iron must symbolise Rome but what sort of Rome?
We note the feet has Clay which symbolises religion, a Biblical people in relationship with their God.
Hence Papal Rome is represented in the feet of Iron & Clay.
However, Papal Rome is the woman of Revelation17.
Upon her forehead is written a name - "Babylon the Great" - Rev 17:5
Hence the feet of Iron & Clay represents Spiritual Babylon - Papal Rome.
Furthermore, literal Babylon was the literal King of the North in Daniel 2.
Hence Spiritual Babylon, Papal Rome, is the spiritual King of the North in Daniel 2.
In Daniel 2 the Iron legs (Rome) transitions to the feet of Iron & Clay (Papal Rome)
In Daniel 7 the fourth beast (Rome) transitions to the Little Horn (Papal Rome)
In Daniel 8 the fourth beast (Rome with its Little Horn) transitions to the Little horn (Papal Rome)
1. Daniel 11 focuses on the kings of the North & South.
2. There is no Biblical rule for a chapter to be all symbolic or all literal.
3. Chapter breaks were not given by God.
4. God did not define where the chapter ends.
5. When comparing Scripture with Scripture points to the last part of the chapter being symbolic this over-rides all human rules of interpretation.
6. Interpretations requiring the end of the chapter to be known are private interpretations.
The important point is the transition in meaning occurs after Imperial Rome has transitioned to Papal Rome which occurs in Daniel 11:30,31
KON = King of the North
KOS = King of the South
Literal Glorious land in Daniel 11:16 to Spiritual Glorious land in Daniel 11:41
Literal KON (v16) to Spiritual KON (v40) after Grecian Empire finally falls in v25
Literal KOS in v 25 to Spiritual KOS in v 40 after Grecian Empire falls in v25
* Literal North transitions to spiritual North in meaning vs 40, 44 - see below
* Literal South transitions to Spiritual South in meaning vs 40, 44 - see below
* Literal East transitions to Spiritual East in meaning v 44 - see below
Literal Edom, Moab & Ammon were related to Israel - see website on this topic
Edom, Moab & Ammon in v41 symbolic of God's people who escape the KON
Literal Egypt vs 8,9 transitions to spiritual Egypt (Atheism) in v 42, cf Rev 11:8
Libyans & Ethiopians at the steps of the KON represent followers of the KON
Tidings out of the East & North in v 44 are the 3 angels messages from God
Daniel 11 focuses on the kings of the North & South, i.e. the kingdoms north &
south of Jerusalem. Some claim that the whole chapter refers to literal places literally north or south of literal Jerusalem because the chapter begins speaking of literal places and must therefore end this way. However as reasonable as this may sound it is not a Biblical rule of interpretation. No Bible passage claims that a chapter must be either all symbolic or all literal. When comparing Scripture with Scripture points to the last part of the chapter being symbolic this overides all human rules of interpretation.
Furthermore the chapter breaks in Scripture were not even given by God but were added arbitrarily by unispired men centuries after the Bible was completed. God did not define where the chapter ends so all interpretations which require the end of the chapter to be known are therefore private interpretations.
Literal Israel WAS the geograpic centre of prophecy:
“Thus saith the Lord GOD; This [is] Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries [that are] round about her.” Eze 5:5.
However, when the kingdom of God was taken from literal Israel and given to the
church, SPIRITUAL Israel (Matt 21:43), the CHURCH became the ‘geographic’ centre of prophetic terminology. As the church is global that which is said to be north or south of the church cannot be taken literally. North and South of spiritual Israel now represent spiritual ideologies - North (Babylon), South (Atheistic). It is similar to the political terms “right wing” & “left wing” which do not refer to literal locations but ways of thinking. Hence, NORTH or Babylon is Antichrist and SOUTH or Atheism is Antigod. God's people are sandwiched between the two.
As the transfer from literal to spiritual Israel occurred in A.D.34, at the end of the 70 week prophecy, those portions of Daniel 11 describing events after A.D.34 should be understood spiritually.
For example verse 40-41 refers to Edom Moab & Ammon in the time of the end. As
these peoples had vanished long before the time of the end they are clearly to be
understood spiritually. See Edom, Moab & Ammon on this site.
The kingdom said to be north of literal Israel was literal Babylon (Eze 26:7). The
kingdom said to be north of spiritual Israel is spiritual Babylon.
The King of the North is another name for Babylon. Though not directly north of
Jerusalem Babylon was said to be north because when they attacked Israel they skirted around the Arabian desert and came down upon Israel from the north.
“From the north...The lion...the destroyer of the Gentiles.” (Jer 4:6-7). “...toward the north by the river Euphrates.” “in the north country by the river Euphrates.” (Jer 46:6, 10; also Jer 1:13-15; 6:1; 25:9, 26).
In end time prophecy Babylon does not refer to a literal city but to a spiritual power. Rev 17:18 “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Babylon is said to be the woman (whore) described in Rev 17. “The great whore...Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots.”
A woman in prophecy symbolises a church and an apostate woman symbolises an
apostate church. Babylon, therefore, represents the apostate church. While Babylon is a family name for all spiritual confusion, “The power that for so many centuries maintained despotic sway over the monarchs of Christendom is Rome.” The Great Controversy, p. 382.
The true king of the north is God Himself but the evil one has sought God’s place.
Of Satan it is said “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the NORTH:” Isaiah 14:13.
The glory of God is presented as coming from the north (Eze 40:43:1-4) Satan’s system has usurped the position rightly belonging to God and sits as an imposter king of the north.
Daniel 11:8-9 tells us that when “the king of the south” returned “into his own kingdom,” he returned “into Egypt,” showing that Egypt WAS the literal king of the south.
Spiritually speaking Egypt, the king of the South represents atheism.
Pharaoh manifested a disbelief in the true God when he said, “...Who [is] the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.”
“Of all nations...Egypt most boldly denied the existence of the living God... this is atheism.” E.G. White, The Great Controversy, p269.
Lamenting over the worldly state of the church the Lord’s messenger wrote,
“The church has turned back from following Christ her Leader and is steadily
retreating toward Egypt.” 5T, p217. Note: This is not literally but spiritually.
“South - Heb. negeb, from an unused root meaning to be parched.”
Strong’s Concordance of the Bible.
As waters frequently symbolize the Holy Spirit a parched area might be thought of
as a place lacking the spirit of God and there is nothing so lacking God’s spirit as
The glorious land was literal Israel but when they lost the kingdom at the end of the 70 weeks, (34AD) because they rejected the Messiah, the kingom was given to spiritual Israel, the true church along with all the titles and promises. The glorious land is glorious because it has the “glorious gospel” (2Cor 4:4).
Pagan Rome entered the literal glorious land of Palestine, “But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed.” Dan 11:16.
Papal Rome will enter the spiritual glorious land of the true church and overthrew many with the weapons of falsehood (See Dan 11:41).
Just prior to Christ return the church purified will reflect the image of Christ perfectly. It will then have become the GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN.
Speaking of the church when Christ returns we read, “That he might present it to
himself a GLORIOUS church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be HOLY and without blemish.” Eph 5:27.
Messages from God are often said to come from the east & north. See on North.
(a) The angel having the seal of God is said to come from the east (Rev 7:2) but this
is not to be understood literally as the gospel comes to people from the messengers of God who come from all over the world.
(b) Cyrus, who was a type or forerunner of Christ came from the east & the north
(Isa 41:2, 25; 46:11; Jer 50:3, 9), dried up the literal Euphrates River, conquered literal Babylon and delivered God's people. What Cyrus did to literal Babylon, Christ will do to spiritual Babylon.
(c) Those who heralded Christ’s first advent came from the east (Matt 2:1).
(d) The tidings (messages) which infuriate the king of the north come from the east
& north (Daniel 11:44)
(e) One day men will seek God’s word but it will be too late. They are presented as looking for it in the north & east, the very places the truth is represented as coming from. (Amos 8:11-12). See also Matt 24:27
Tabernacles literally refers to a place (tent) ... of worship, in this case of Jehovah
The word "'ōhel" translated as "tabernacles" is used in the following ways:
Biblical usage:
1. nomad's tent, and thus symbolic of wilderness life, transience
2. dwelling, home, habitation
3. the sacred tent of Jehovah (the tabernacle)
Hence Tabernacles in this case refer to places of worship... of Jehovah, the CHURCH
The word translated palace is "'apeḏen" and is of Persian origin and means palace
Hence Palace refers to the seat of government of a King - the STATE power
Tabernacles suggest worship and a palace is the headquarters of a kingdom. This, therefore, speaks of worship defined by a kingdom, a union of church and state, enforcing worship as defined by the state.
Revelation 13 and 14 have everything to do with worship
The worship of God versus the worship of the beast and his image
Those who refuse to worship the beast will come under 'fire'. cf Daniel 3
A death decree will go forth against all who refuse to pay homage to the beast
Tabernacles can also refer to military tents. Daniel 11:45 borrows from Psalm 83:1-18, which describes the TABERNACLES of a confederacy of Evil, the ENEMIES of Israel coming to overthrow Godʼs people who will be HIDING in the wilderness at that time. God will rise up and destroy them.
“For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy HIDDEN ONES They have said, Come, and let us CUT THEM OFF from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with ONE CONSENT [one mind]: they are confederate against thee: The TABERNACLES of Edom...Moab... Ammon... ...Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession... Let them be confounded and TROUBLED for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish.”
“Satanic agencies have been moved from beneath, and they have inspired men to unite in A CONFEDERACY OF EVIL that they may perplex, harass, and cause the people of God GREAT DISTRESS. The WHOLE WORLD is to be stirred with enmity against Seventh-day Adventists, because they will not yield homage to the PAPACY, by honoring Sunday, the institution of this anti-Christian power. It is the
purpose of Satan to cause them to be BLOTTED FROM THE EARTH, in order that his supremacy of the world may not be disputed.” E.G. White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 08-22-93.
The literal meaning for "between the seas" was the literal land of Israel
What was between the seas? - the Glorious land or literal Israel
Israel’s territory was to be between two rivers & two seas (Genesis 15:18).
It was between the Euphrates in the North, the river of Egypt in the south
It was between the Mediterranean Sea to the West and the Dead Sea to the East.
"Between the seas" thus represents the place of God’s people, the glorious land.
However, here in verse 45, "between the seas" is referring not to literal Israel but to Spiritual Israel, the glorious land or Christian church.
“Holy mountain” refers to the dwelling place of God (Ps 87:1; Isa 11:9; 56:7; Joel 3:17; Eph 2:21).
The holy mountain is called Jerusalem in Daniel 9:16,“...thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain...”
God’s presence alone makes a thing holy. At the end of the 70 weeks LITERAL Israel was cut off. (See Daniel 9 study, Matthew 23:38, Acts 13:46). Literal Jerusalem is no longer holy and cannot be the glorious holy mountain: “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people AND upon thy holy city...” Daniel 9:24. Through the failure to comply with the conditions God gave, the Jews and Jerusalem were rejected as the people and the city of God at the expiration of that period.
God now dwells in his church, spiritual Israel, the glorious holy mountain (1Cor 3:17; 2Cor 6:16; Eph 2:21) which are an “holy holy nation.” (1Pet 2:5-9), God’s holy mountain. The Glorious Holy Mountain represents God's purified church.
The attack on God's church which commenced in verse 44 continues in verse 45 with the King of the North predicted to plant his worship in spiritual Israel but he will come to his end and none shall help him.
What has Papal Rome, the King of the North and abomination of Desolation of Daniel 8:13, 11:31 & Matthew 24:15 done to spiritual Israel, the true Christian church which keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus? - Rev 12:17, 14:12 22:14
The King of the North has attacked the Church spiritually true to Revelation 12:17 through false doctrines and will do so literally in an attempt to wipe her out as we are told in Revelation 13:15. BUT deliverance will come in the form of Jesus at his second coming when he destroys the man of sin aka the King of the North and abomination of desolation.
"One effort more, and then Satan’s last device is employed. He hears the unceasing cry for Christ to come, for Christ to deliver them. This last strategy is to personate Christ and make them think their prayers are answered. But this answers to the last closing work, the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. [Text ends here.] 4LtMs, Ms 16, 1884, par. 11
May God bless you as you study into these things for the time is at hand