CAN two walk together, except they be agreed?"— No.
If two persons, even dear friends, are walking together, arm in arm, and strike a disagreement, they either stop at once, and come to an understanding, or else they drop arms and walk no farther together.
It is literally true, therefore, and it expresses itself in the natural, unconscious actions of men, that two cannot walk together, except they be agreed.
Now you want to walk with God. And God wants you to walk with him. But how can you walk with him unless you agree with him? — You cannot.
It matters not how much you want to walk with him, it matters not how hard you try to walk with him, you simply cannot walk with him unless you agree with him.
But when you do agree with him, you can — yes, you will — walk with him, just as certainly as you walk at all. There is no power in the universe that can keep you from walking with God when you agree with him.
But it is not really walking with God at all, to walk with him a while, and then walk apart from him for a while. Really to walk with him is to walk with him all the time; it is to abide with him, and walk. And in order to walk with him all the time, it is only necessary to agree with him all the time.
Do you, then, agree with him all the time? Do you agree with him in everything? He has told you all things that you ever need to know, in order to walk with him all the time. In his Word he has told you all his counsel, in order that you may be perfect, "thoroughly furnished unto all good works;" in order that you may know and have "all things that pertain unto life and godliness."
Do you, then, agree with him in everything that he has said in that Word? If you do, there is nothing in the universe that can prevent your walking with him always.
But how shall you agree with him, if you do not know what he says? Therefore, of course, you must diligently read his Word to know what he says, so that you can intelligently agree with him. And when you have read his Word, do you then agree with him in everything that you have read? Do you?
When you have read what he says, do you accept it at once as the settled truth, and say, "That is so"? or do you hesitate, and query, and say, "How can that be so? I cannot see that; I do not understand that"? If this latter is the way—and you know that much of the time that is the way — that you do, then will you call that agreeing with the Lord?
When he has told you a thing, and you reply, "How can that be?" do you think that that is agreeing with him? When you have read his plain Word, spoken to you in your own plain, every-day language, and you reply, "I can't see that; I don't understand it," will you say that that is agreeing with him? In so doing, decidedly you are not agreeing with him; and so long as you stand so, you cannot, simply cannot, walk with him.
But you will say, "How can I agree with him till I understand what he says?" That is just where the whole secret lies; instead of agreeing with him, you want him to agree with you. Instead of yielding your ideas, and implicitly accepting what he says, whatever it may mean, you insist that what he says shall be submitted to your understanding; and if it agrees with your understanding, you will accept it, and agree with him; otherwise you will not. But that is not agreeing with him at all; that is insisting that he shall agree with you.
All that you need to know in order to agree with God, is to know what he says. And when you know what he says, if you have more confidence in him than you have in yourself, if you allow that he knows more about it than you do, you will agree with him whether you understand it or not. Therefore the Lord directs, "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things."
Do you not see, then, that understanding of the Scriptures comes from God just as certainly as do the Scriptures themselves? Do you not know that you are to forsake your understanding as well as all the rest of yourself? "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Do not ask that what the Lord says shall be submitted to your understanding. No; but submit your understanding to what the Lord says. "Casting down imaginations [reasonings], and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Find what the Lord says: that is easy, for it is all plainly said, in simple language. Then accept that as the settled truth, without any "if's," or "and's," or "but's," or "how's," or any queries of any kind whatever. Agree with it as the settled truth, saying, "That is so." Do this with everything that is said in the Bible. As soon as you read it or hear it, say, without any hesitation, "That is so." This, and this only, is agreeing with God. And so agreeing with him always in all things, you will as surely walk with him always.
"Enoch walked with God three hundred years." Enoch agreed with God, there was no difference of opinion between them, for three hundred years. Enoch walked with God only because he agreed with him. Agreeing with God, it was impossible not to walk with him.
So it is, and so it will be with you. Agree with him always, and you will walk with him always. You cannot possibly walk apart form him when you agree with him. That very Word of his, in which you agree with him, will itself hold you in the way with him.
Therefore we "desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing."
Please study all this carefully; for we are going to call your attention to some things that the Lord has said, so that you may agree with him, and walk with him safely and securely.
Alonzo Trevier Jones
Yes, we are going to call your attention in this website to some things the Lord has said so that you may agree with him and walk with him safely and securely.
May God bless you as you study into these things.