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Updated: Apr 4, 2023


The first beast of Revelation 13 is the most powerful end-time RELIGIOUS power in the world. The second beast of Rev 13 is the most powerful end-time POLITICAL power in the world. THE LAST TWO END-TIME SUPERPOWERS ARE HERE.

The founders of the United States were very much oppossed to the Papal principle of uniting Church and State. They knew too well the intolerance and persecution which had endured for centuries in Europe. It took well over a hundred years of Catholic immigration, political manouvering and media brainwashing, before the American people were willing to elect their first Roman Catholic president in the 1960s. Even  then they only did so after he had publicly repudiated the Catholic principle of uniting Church with State. JFK was later shot dead in the back of his limousine.

It was not until 1984 that the US sent its first “ambassador to the Vatican” and since then they have worked more and more closely. The most graphic accomplishment of the Roman~American connection was seen in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the break up of Soviet Communism. The attack on the King of the South (Atheism - Daniel 11:40) had begun. The last two end-time superpowers are here. 

Papal Rome had led many of God’s people into prisons & dungeons during the Dark Ages so itself goes into captivity when the Pope was taken prisoner by the French armies in 1798. "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." Rev 13:10

Papal Rome slew millions of Bible believing christians and true to Rev 13:10 was itself 'killed' by the sword. The papal state power was dead and the grave, into which the dead enter, is called the prison house (See Isa 14:17-19). The papacy was captive in death. Having used the sword to slay the saints, the sword (military power) of France slew the church of Rome in 1798 (cf. verse 3). “They that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” (Matt 26:52). This verse also indicates that Christ’s followers are not kill (John 18:36).

"[The French general] Berthier entered Rome on 10th February 1798, and proclaimed a Republic. The aged Pontiff refused to violate his oath by recognizing it, and was hurried from prison to prison in France. Broken with fatigue and sorrows, he died...[in] August 1799, in the French fortress of Valence...No wonder that half Europe thought... that with the Pope the papacy was dead." Lectures on the History of Religions, vol 3, lec. 24, p1. J. Rickaby or The Modern papacy, J. Rickaby (A Catholic Jesuit) p 9.

“The papacy was extinct: not a vestige of its existence remained; and among all the Roman Catholic powers not a finger was stirred in its defence. The eternal city had no longer prince or pontiff; its bishop was dying a captive in foreign lands; and the decree was announced that no successor would be allowed in his place.” Rome: From the Fall of the Western Empire, George Trevor, p440. cf. Dan 7:25; 11:33-35

“In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one.” -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition.

As the first beast, Papal Rome, went into captivity in 1798, there is seen rising another beast from the earth in the 1700s 


It is no surprise that the most powerful nation on earth figures in Bible prophecy. This now dominant nation, emerged relatively peacefully in the late 1700s to independent power, in the great wilderness land discovered by Columbus and known as The New World. It has since grown to super power status and will play a significant and terrible role in the last days of this earth's history.

verse 11 And I beheld another beast...

A beast symbolises a kingdom or nation (Dan 7:23; 8:20-22). “another” beast means another nation distinct and seperate from the preceeding papal beast. Here then is described the rise of another nation. The clues show that this beast symbolizes the USA...

  • A beast in prophecy is symbolic of a power or kingdom – Daniel 7:23, 8:21-22.

  • This is another beast distinct from the Papal Beast & exists with it - v 14

  • This beast arises after “the first beast before him”– verse 12

  • It arises around the time the first beast goes into captivity - 1798

  • This beast (kingdom) arises from the EARTH rather than the SEA.

  • The SEA is symbolic of nations & wicked people - Rev 17:15, Isa 57:20

  • The conflict between nations (SEA) leads to the rise and fall of the 7 beasts.

  • In contrast, the EARTH represents a sparsely populated area.

  • Recall the woman (God’s church) was persecuted by the Dragon in Rev 12:13

  • The Dragon sends a symbolic flood after her … Rev 12:15

  • The Woman fled into the wilderness in Rev 12:6 to escape from the Dragon.

  • The wilderness: a place prepared by God for her where she is FED - Rev 12:6

  • In Rev 12:14, she flees into the wilderness & is NOURISHED there.

  • She is fed / nourished by the two witnesses of Rev 11 – the scriptures.

  • We are told the EARTH helped the woman – Rev 12:16

  • The EARTH swallowed up the Dragon’s flood in Rev 12:16

  • Hence the EARTH is the place prepared by God for her where she is FED.

  • A place in which the 2nd beast was to arise unlike the rise of the other beasts.

  • The other beasts rose & fell by wars between nations, not so this one.

  • The beast arose in the sparsely populated great wilderness of the USA.

It is not surprising then, that the church which the Dragon goes to make war with, which keeps the commandments of God and has the Testimony of Jesus (Rev 12:17) emerges from the Earth or “wilderness” of North America



As this beast is spoken of as distinct from “the first beast before him” (v 12) it must rise after the “first” beast.

It is not the first beast healed of its deadly wound because this two-horned beast exists seperate from and in the sight of the first beast.  (v 14). It is “another” beast.

It is, however, from the time of its rise a power contemporary with the beast whose deadly wound was healed. One obvious clue as to the time this nation arose (v 11) is that it is spoken of in connection with the wounding of the first beast, the papal power, in 1798 described in the previous verse (v10).

The great Methodist, John Wesley, taught that the first beast of Rev 13 was Papal Rome and in his 1774 notes concerning this two horned beast he wrote:

“Another beast, but he is not yet come, though he cannot be far off, for he is to appear at the end of the forty two months of the first beast [i.e. 1798] and he had two horns like a lamb. A mild innocent appearance.” John Wesley, The New Testament With Explanatory Notes, (1774), p427


The rise of this nation is described immediately after the deadly wound of the first beast (1798). At that very time the USA was indeed “coming up.”


  • WAR OF INDEPENDENCE: 1775-1783




  • BILL OF RIGHTS: 1789


verse 11 ...coming up out of the earth...

This point contrasts with the rise of the first beast and the beasts of Daniel 7, which all arose from the sea as the winds of strife roared. Symbolic waters represent “MULTITUDES, and nations,” (Rev 17:15; Isa 57:20). By contrast the symbolic EARTH represents few people. This nation therefore arose from a place of few people. So the USA arose from the great wilderness land of North America.

verse 11 ...and he had two horns like a lamb...

Various horns are mentioned in Rev 12, 13, 17 but this is the only place where the kinds of horns are described. These horns are lamb-like. In Revelation, the lamb refers to Christ.

Horns represent kingdoms.

The first beast of Rev 13, the Papacy, was also represented in Daniel 7 as a little horn. The little horn was a union of the two powers of Church and State. The founding fathers of the United States, knowing how the union of Church and State led to persecution in Europe and the colonies, determined to separate the two powers of church and State. They were not to be combined into one horn but seperated into two.

The USA has two great lamb-like (Christ- like) characteristics. The Christian exiles who first fled to America (the New World) from Europe (the Old World), sought an asylum from ROYAL OPPRESSION and PRIESTLY INTOLERANCE. In America they established a government upon the foundations of CIVIL LIBERTY (freedom to elect oneʼs government) and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (freedom to choose oneʼs religion). These two lamb-like principles have been the great secret of US power and prosperity and God has blessed America.

  • The Beast has two horns like a lamb

  • Horns symbolise power, nations, kingdoms

  • The first beast of Rev 13, papal Rome is represented in Dan 7 as a little horn.

  • The little horn was a union of the two powers of Church and State.

  • The lamb is Jesus. John 1:29, Rev 13:8

  • What two powers (horns) did Jesus recognize? – Caesar & God. Mark 12:17

  • Caesar refers to the state or civil power.

  • God refers to the divine or religious power.

  • This beast with lamblike horns recognises the CIVIL & RELIGIOUS powers.

  • This beast has as the very fabric of its government civil & religious rights.

  • The Civil liberty to elect its own Government & not be dictated to by a King.

  • The Religious liberty to choose one’s own religion

  • The liberty to worship & not dictated to by a “pope”

verse 11 ...and he spake as a dragon...

Tragically the prophecy predicts that the US will demonstrate Satanʼs spirit of religious intolerance and persecution.

The voice (he spake) of a nation is its government. The speaking of a nation is the declaration (legislation) of its government.

Despite its strong civil and religious rights, this beast will speak as a dragon.

The dragon is that old serpent, the devil and Satan. Rev 12:9

The first beast was given its power, seat & great authority by the Dragon – v 2

The second beast speaks as a dragon.

The first beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is the seat of the Devil or Satan.

The Second beast with lamblike horns is the Dragon’s henchman.

He spake as a Dragon.

The mouth of a nation is its government

The speaking of a nation must be the laws it proclaims.

“The ‘speaking’ of the nation is the action of its legislative and judicial authorities.” Great Controversy p. 442.

This nation will pass laws consistent with the principles of the Dragon which has been and will be at war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus. These laws will ultimately lead to the persecution of God’s Bible believing people in the last days.

verse 12: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,…”

The first beast, Papal Rome, exercised religious & political power - a union of church & state. The power of the first beast was its ability to persecute God’s people.

It lost this power when it was wounded in 1798, commencing the “time of the end”. Dan 11:40

The second beast exercises all the power of the first beast.

The second beast 'becomes' a union of church and state as its political side legislates for the church.

Like the first beast, it will be a persecuting power.

The religious element will unite with the state to enforce the church’s power, edicts, or mandates.

The politicisation of Covid 19 is a trial run for the power of Government to mandate, lockdown and disadvantage those who have a contrary view to its edicts.

The building of internment camps to supposedly house Covid 19 individuals is possibly a preamble for what is to come in Revelation 13.

This prophecy foretells that the US government will command some observance which will be an act of worshipping the first beast, the Papacy. In order for this to happen the USA will have to unite Church & State. This would be the formation of “the image” of the beast, i.e. an image of Papal Rome - a union of Church & State.

The US Constitution separates Church & State, hence aspects of or the Constitution itself must go or be modified to accommodate this aspect of the prophecy. Note the attack on the Constitution over the years even from Chief Judge Rehnquist's time.

"The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history," Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote in a court opinion in 1985. " ... It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned."

“… and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast,…”

The second beast is in sympathy with the first beast.

It is a church state system although unlike the Papacy, without a Pope.

It will cause the earth and them that dwell on the earth to worship the first beast.

They will be forced (“causeth”) by legislation to pay homage to the first beast.


The EARTH here represents the earth itself rather than a place of “few people” as in verse 11 else it would make the interpretation of the verse under consideration non-sensical as it would read: “causeth the earth (few people) and them (people) which dwell therein to worship the first beast.”

Rather the earth here refers to the earth itself. In what way can the earth be made to worship? (Exo 23:10-11). Scripture gives us a clue in that WORSHIP has to do with a particular day ordained for that purpose. As it was in ancient days, the earth or land "enjoyed her Sabbaths" 2Chronicles 36:21, Leviticus 26:34 when she remained unworked on the Sabbath day, i.e. the landed rested and kept Sabbath as well as the people, so by implication laws enforcing the Mark of the beast, will necessarily allow the earth a day of rest "to worship" so to speak, the first beast, in that the land or earth will remain unworked.


“And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof:

But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard.” Exodus 23:10,11

“To fulfil the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years.” 2Chronicles 36:21

“Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths. As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it.” Leviticus 26:34,35


  • The USA will enforce a ‘Sabbath’ rest.

  • This rest will involve the Earth as well.

  • Hence the Earth can be said to "participate" in the worship of the first beast.

  • The Mark of the beast has to do with worship – verses 4,8,12,15,16

  • Worship has to do with a day of worship.

  • The first beast represents Papal Rome.

  • Hence the Mark of the beast is the Mark of the Papal Rome beast.

  • The day that has to do with worship in that system is SUNDAY.

  • The ENFORCEMENT of SUNDAY LAWS constitutes the MARK of the Beast.

  • The Earth will ‘worship’ the first beast by not being ‘worked’ on Sunday.

  • The USA will cause the earth to worship by allowing it to REST on Sunday.

  • No-one has the Mark of the Beast as yet.

  • Individuals receive the Mark when they consciously make a decision for it.

“…. to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

  1. We saw that the first beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is Papal Rome.

  2. Papal Rome is known by different names & phrases in Scripture

  3. It is the feet of iron & clay of Daniel 2

  4. It is the little horn of Daniel 7

  5. It is the little horn of Daniel 8

  6. It is the transgression of desolation of Daniel 8

  7. It is “the abomination that maketh desolate” of Daniel 11:31

  8. It is the King of the North of Daniel 11:40

  9. It is the first beast of Revelation 13:1-10

  10. It is the harlot woman of Revelation 17

  11. It is “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 17

  12. It is the mystery of Iniquity of 2 Thess 2:7

  13. It is the man of sin of 2Thess 2:3

  14. It is the Son of perdition of 2Thess 2:3

In Revelation 13:1-10 we are dealing with the beast with seven heads and ten horns, more specifically, the head that received a deadly wound. The only head of the 7 heads that ever received a deadly wound is the Papal Head - Papal Rome.

  • We are told that all the world wondered after the beast - v 3

  • All the world worshipped the beast – v 4

  • All whose names are not in the lamb’s book of life will worship the beast – v 8

  • All will be MADE to worship the 1st beast who had the deadly wound – v 12

  • All will be made to make an image to the beast which had the wound – v 14

All the world will pay homage to Papal Rome in one way or another.

All dissenters will be punished – cannot buy or sell or by the penalty of death.

verse 13: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

“And he doeth great wonders,…”

Deceptive Miracles will occur. Miracles will be performed to deceive people into believing that God is behind this power.

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Matt 24:24

Note how the Lord responds to those who claim to be his [PROFESSED] followers:

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7:22,23

“And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Rev 19:20

“… so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”

This is a miraculous fire and not a nuclear bomb or any such thing as bombs do not deceive. In Acts 2:3 when the gift of tongues was given at Pentecost, it was described as follows:

“And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.”

In Revelation 19:20, the beast is Papal Rome while the second beast is described as the false prophet which deceived all who had taken the mark of the beast. The two horned beast will DECEIVE by means of a counterfeit Pentecostal fire and deceive men into forming an image of the beast - a union of church and state (See on v 14).

Though we have not yet seen the deceptive fire fall, even today the tongues speaking movement is helping to unite various denominations because many believe God must be with all who speak in ‘tongues’. The deceptive fire will be a counterfeit of the fire which fell in the days of Elijah.

The “Earth” in this verse refers to that which compliments the heavens, i.e. the surface of the globe.

verse 14: And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

“… the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.”

  • The beast which had the wound and did live is Papal Rome.

  • Papal Rome is a union of Church & STATE

  • The image to the beast is the UNION OF CHURCH & STATE.

  • The deceived will form an image of the Papacy.

  • This image will result in the Church using the State power to achieve its ends.

These miracles will convince people that God is behind the movement to create an “image of the beast.” The two horned beast is the false prophet. See Chart.


verse 14 ...saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

The image to the beast is also called the image OF the beast (v 15). Deceived by the great wonders the people will be led to form an “image” or copy of the first Beast. As the first beast, Papal Rome, was a union of Church & State in which the Church used the State to enforce its religious ideas, so the image of the beast will be a union of church and state enforcing the Churches wishes. The USA is supposedly a Protestant nation, hence Protestantism will take control of the state to enforce the worship of the first beast by mandating SUNDAY worship


“When the early church became corrupted by departing from the simplicity of the gospel [2Thess 2] and accepting heathen rites and customs, she lost the Spirit and power of God; and in order to control the consciences of the people, she sought the support of the secular power. The result was the papacy, a church that controlled the power of the state and employed it to further her own ends, especially for the punishment of “heresy.” In order for the United States to form an image of the beast, the religious power must so control the civil government that the authority of the state will also be employed by the church to accomplish her own ends.” E.G. White, Great Controversy, p443.

Almost 500 years ago the Protestants came out of Rome with an open Bible and a message to proclaim. However the Reformation they began failed to continue. Today many are wondering whether it was all a mistake! Prophecy declares that Protestantism will follow in the steps of the Mother church and turn to the State for political power. Protestantism will form an “image of the beast” and the image will enforce the Mark of the Beast.

verse 14 ...that they should make an image

“...saying to them that dwell on the earth, that THEY should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” (Rev 13:14). As people made up the beasts so people will make up the image of the beast. The fact that a requests is made to the people to form the image shows that this is a Democratic or Republican form of government in which the power resides with the people.

Republicanism and Protestantism are the secrets of US power and prosperity. These features are represented by the two lamb-like (Christ-like) horns. The horns are uncrowned as this is a government without a king and a church without a Pope.

verse 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast...

The USA has risen to become the most powerful nation on earth both economically & militarily. God has wonderfully blessed America which has been the great defense against religious intolerance and persecution. Under Godʼs Omnipotence it has become in some respects the greatest nation of all time.

“… the image of the beast, …”

These unions of Church and State throughout the world will speak (legislate) and cause (enforce) the worship of the beast which had the wound by the sword and did live. The second beast of Rev 13:11-17 will initiate the whole process and enforce the worship of the beast by enforcing Sunday legislation. It will commence in the USA and spread to the rest of the world. This beast will eventually convince the whole world to pass a death decree on all dissenters including God’s commandment keeping people.

Tragically the USA will use its economic and military power to “give life unto the image of the beast.”

verse 15 ...that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

In the final conflict those who refuse to accept the beastʼs mark and worship of the beast will be condemned to death.

The USA exactly fulfills the predictions. It arose at the right time in the late 1700s relatively peacefully from the sparsely populated wilderness of North America. It has become a superpower, has a Republican form of government and grants all its citizens religious liberty. Sadly it is changing character and is soon to speak like a dragon and enforce the final movements in prophetic history - the worship of the Papal Beast which is none other than the Babylonian worship of the Dragon.


16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The USA will lead the world into receiving the Mark of the Beast. Protestant USA will cause all both great and small, rich and poor, free people and bond people to receive the Mark of the beast. Everyone will be affected by the legislation. Through deception and force virtually all will comply. Only the faithful remnant will refuse to comply (Rev 20:4)

The mark of the beast is received in the right hand. The right hand is symbolic of work and fellowship or cooperation. Eccl 9:10, Gal 2:9. Philosophically or intellectually one might not agree with the MARK of the beast but will accept it by cooperating in order to avoid persecution / discrimination.

  • We saw in verse 12 that the Mark has to with WORSHIP – cf verses 4,8,12,15,16.

  • Worship has to do with a particular day of worship.

  • Worship, therefore, involves a DAY OF REST.

  • In the case of the Beast and its image, the day of rest or worship is SUNDAY.

  • The EARTH will be made (causeth) to REST / WORSHIP the first beast – v 12.

  • The PEOPLE that dwell in the EARTH will be made (causeth) to worship – v 12

  • The USA will enforce this ‘Sabbath’ REST for the earth & the people.

  • The first beast represents Papal Rome.

  • Hence the Mark of the beast is the Mark of Papal Rome.

  • The day of worship for that system is SUNDAY.

  • The ENFORCEMENT of SUNDAY LAWS constitutes the MARK.

  • The Earth will ‘worship’ the first beast by not being ‘worked’ on Sunday.

  • The USA will cause the EARTH to WORSHIP by RESTING it on Sunday.

  • The USA will cause the PEOPLE to WORSHIP by enforcing a Sunday rest.

  • No-one has the Mark of the Beast as yet.

  • Individuals receive the Mark when they make a conscious decision for it.

The word “mark” is from the Greek word “charagma” which means a stamp. To say that this proves the mark is a literal stamp is as foolish as saying that the use of the Greek word “therion” for “beast,” proves that the beast is a literal beast. Though the word “therion” means “beast,” the beast is clearly symbolic of kingdoms and nations etc in Bible Prophecy.

In Ezekiel 9 a marking occurs which is clearly symbolic (See Eze 9-10. Eze 10:2 esp. shows that this is symbolic). Note that this mark was a sign to preserve the faithful from the destruction that followed. The previous chapter (Eze 8) lists the abominations that led to the destruction, the worst being SUN WORSHIP (Eze 8:16).


(a) The word “mark” is from the Greek word charagma which means a stamp. To say that this proves that the mark is a literal stamp is as foolish as saying that the use of the Greek word therion, “beast,” proves that the beast will be a literal beast. Though the word therion means “beast,” the beast is clearly a symbol.

Many things may serve as a sign or mark: The Lord calls His Sabbaths a sign distinguishing His people from the heathen. (Exo 31:13; Eze 20:12; Eze 20:20). The word “sign” means a distinguishing mark. Such a mark is not a physical object but it is a mark of identification nevertheless. To receive the mark is a sin and sin is the breaking of Godʼs law.

(b) Revelation speaks of Godʼs seal and the Mark of the Beast. One is the counterpart of the other. The mark of the beast is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal, mark or sign (See on Rev 7). As Godʼs seal is not a literal mark neither is the beastʼs mark.

(c) The specification that the mark is received in the “RIGHT hand” indicates symbolism because if the mark were literal it could be taken in either hand. The hand is symbolic of work (Ecc 9:10). The right hand is symbolic of “fellowship” (Gal 2:9) and those who take the mark will show their fellowship with the beast. The forehead is symbolic of the mind or will (Eze 3:9).

(d) In Ezekiel 9 a marking occurs which is clearly symbolic (See Eze 9-10. Eze 10:2 esp. shows that this is symbolic). Note that this mark was a sign to preserve the faithful from the destruction that followed. The previous chapter (Eze 8) lists the abominations that led to the destruction, the worst being SUN WORSHIP (Eze 8:16). Remember this as we continue.


  • The Lord calls His Sabbaths a sign. (Exo 31:13; Eze 20:12; Eze 20:20).

  • The word “sign” means a distinguishing mark.

  • Such a mark is not a physical object but is a mark of identification.

  • To receive the Mark of the beast is a sin and sin is the breaking of Godʼs law.

  • Revelation speaks of Godʼs seal and the Mark of the Beast.

  • *God’s seal is received only in the FOREHEAD – Rev 7

  • The Mark of the Beast is received in the FOREHEAD & the RIGHT HAND

  • The mark of the beast is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal, mark or sign (Rev 7).

  • As Godʼs seal is not a literal mark neither is the beastʼs mark a literal mark.

  • The mark is received in the “RIGHT hand” indicating symbolism.

  • If the mark were literal it could be received in either hand.

  • The hand is symbolic of work (Ecc 9:10).

  • The right hand is symbolic of “fellowship” or cooperation (Gal 2:9)

  • Those who take the mark will show their cooperation with the beast.

  • The forehead is where the frontal lobe of the brain is located.

  • The frontal lobe is the very person of who you are.

  • The frontal lobe is the seat of the will of man where decisions are made.

  • Hence the FOREHEAD is symbolic of the mind and will of man.

  • The forehead is symbolic of FAITH

  • The Right Hand is symbolic of WORKS or cooperation.

  • Salvation is by Faith not by Works.

  • God’s seal is received by Faith (forehead) NOT by Works (right hand)

  • The Mark is received both by faith OR by cooperation (right Hand) v 16


(a) The mark is mentioned 8 times in the Revelation. It is said to be: “a mark” Rev 13:16 ;

“the mark” Rev 13:17 ;

“his mark” Rev 14:9 ;

“mark of his name” Rev 14:11 ;

“his mark” Rev 15:2 ;

“the mark of the beast” Rev 16:2 ;

“the mark of the beast” Rev 19:20 ;

“his mark.” Rev 20:4

In Rev 14:11, the Mark is called the Mark of his name. The word “Name” means character or reputation – proverbs 22:1 Therefore, the Mark is the Mark of his character.

  • The beast is actuated by the Dragon.

  • The Dragon is the epitome of rebellion against God in heaven & earth.

  • The Dragon gave the beast its power seat & great authority – v 2

  • The beast is, therefore, a rebellious power & is against the God of heaven.

  • Hence the Mark of the Beast signifies rebellion against God’s requirements.

  • We saw earlier that the Mark has to do with the worship of the beast.

  • The beast’s day of worship is SUNDAY.

  • In receiving the Mark one is working in alliance / cooperation with the beast.

Name stands for reputation or character. “A [good] name [is] rather to be chosen than great riches...” (Pro 22:1). The mark of his name is thus the mark of his character. As the beast is rebellious the mark is a mark of rebellion against Godʼs requirements.

(b) Rev 13:17 states that buying and selling will only be possible to those who receive:

1. “the MARK...” 2. “or the NAME of the beast...”

3. “or the NUMBER of his name.”

There will either be three means of buying & selling or all three things are the same. The mark is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal and by studying the Seal of God we see that the name and mark are the same thing. Godʼs seal can only go in the forehead as salvation is by faith (head) not works (hand).

In Revelation 7 Godʼs SEAL is placed in the foreheads of the 144,000 (Rev 7:3).

In Revelation 14:1 the Fatherʼs NAME is said to be in the foreheads of the 144,000. Thus to receive Godʼs seal is to receive His name, and name stands for character (Pro 22:1).

Those who receive beastʼs mark receive his name or character (Pro 22:1).

(c) The Mark of the beast involves knowingly breaking Godʼs law. The final conflict will be over the law of God. The dragon... went to make war with the remnant which keep the commandments of God... Rev 12:17.

Those who receive the Beastʼs Mark are contrasted with the Saints who “KEEP the commandments OF GOD.” (See Rev 14:9-10). There will only be two groups, those that accept the mark or those that keep Godʼs commandments. The mark therefore concerns the breaking of Godʼs commandments.

(d) People WILL LOSE ETERNAL LIFE because of sin as the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23) The beastʼs Mark concerns the breaking of God's commandments hence is a sin and “sin is the transgression [breaking] of the law.” 1John 3:4. The Beast parallels the Little horn of Daniel 7 which claims to have changed Godʼs law (Dan 7:25). Because the beast commands men to keep itʼs commandments rather than the law of God, Paul calls the head of this system “the man of SIN.” (2Thess 2).

(e) Taking the Mark will be an act of worshipping the beast. When someone receives the mark of the beast, they do so, knowing what theyʼre doing - worshipping the beast - and rejecting the God of the Bible. (Rev 14:11, 19; 19:20; 20:4). The primary factor involved with the mark is worship. Buying and selling is mentioned only once.

(f) As we have identified the beast as Papal Rome the mark of the beast must be the mark of Roman Catholicism.


  • 1. The mark is not a literal chip, mark, impress etc.

  • 2. It is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal / mark, i.e. a counterfeit of Godʼs Sabbath

  • 3. To receive the mark is to receive the beastʼs rebellious character.

  • 4. The mark of the beast will be a sin, i.e. it will involve breaking Godʼs law.

  • 5. It is the mark of Roman Catholicism - the Mark of the Beast.


Roman Catholicism openly confesses that the MARK of its authority is seen in its change of Godʼs Sabbath from the seventh day to Sunday, the first day of the week.

In reply to a letter of Oct. 2, 1895, asking if the Catholic Church claims that the change of the Sabbath to the first day is her mark, the following was received:

“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act, and the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” Signed A.F. Thomas, Chancellor for the Cardinal.

“Sunday is our MARK of authority...The church is above the Bible and this transference of sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.” Catholic record of London, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 1, 1928.

As proof that it has authority the Papal Church states that she, “substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.” A Doctrinal Catechism, S. Keenan, p 174.

Indeed, there is not one Biblical command to observe Sunday in place of the seventh-day Sabbath. Those who command it are in rebellion against Godʼ.

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness RATHER than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19

When Sunday is enforced and men choose Sunday RATHER than the 7th day Sabbath of God they will receive the Mark of the Beast.


The mark of the beast is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal, mark or sign (See on Rev 7).

What is the mark or sign of the Creator God? “I gave them my sabbaths to be a SIGN between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord.” Eze 20:12. The Sabbath is the memorial of creation and the sign of righteousness by faith. As we rest on the Creatorʼs Sabbath we remember that God is due our worship because He made us, and that salvation is not of our works but Godʼs creative work. He creates in us a clean heart. (See Ps 51:10). Sunday keeping is the beastʼs counterfeit of the Lordʼs Sabbath.

verse 16 Small, great, rich, poor, free, bond

All will be compelled to receive the beastʼs mark. “Free and BOND” indicates that the spirit of slavery will rise again.

verse 16 Mark in the forehead or in the right hand

The words “In” (Rev 13:16; 14:9) and “upon” (Rev 20:4) are both from the same Greek word "epi" meaning “on, in or upon.” Those who WILLINGLY CHOOSE to observe the Papal Sunday law in place of Godʼs Sabbath, when compelled, will thereby receive the Mark in their FOREHEAD, the symbol of the mind / will. (Eze 3:8). Those who unwillingly observe the Sunday law in place of Godʼs Sabbath in order to BUY & SELL will receive the mark in the RIGHT HAND, the symbol of fellowship & work, “...the right hands of fellowship.” (Gal 2:9; Deut 28:12).

The specification of “RIGHT hand” indicates symbolism as a literal mark could be taken in either hand.


verse 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Those who refuse to observe the Sunday law will eventually be forbidden to buy & sell (Rev 13:17). Identification cards, chips etc and cashless systems are some of the means which may be used to enforce Sunday observance. These methods which control buying and selling are not the mark but the means of pressuring people into accepting the mark. God is not going to destroy people because they accepted something which allowed them to buy and sell! Those who lose eternal life will do so because they committed sin. The issue is sin. Taking the mark of the beast, will involve knowingly committing sin. As Esau sold his birthright for temporal gain (Gen 25:29-34) so many will sell eternal life in order to buy and sell.

Economic boycott is the punishment for those who refuse the Mark of the Beast.

Buying and selling is only possible to those who receive:

1. “the MARK...”

2. “or the NAME of the beast...”

3. “or the NUMBER of his name.”

As mentioned previously there are either three means of buying & selling or all three are the same. The Mark is the counterfeit of Godʼs seal and by studying the Seal of God we see that the name and mark are the same. Godʼs seal can only go in the forehead as salvation is by faith (head) not by works (hand).

Recall that in Rev 7, the SEAL of God is placed in the foreheads of the 144,000 (Rev 7:3).

In Rev 14:1 the NAME of the Father is said to be written in the foreheads of the 144,000.

Thus to receive seal of God is to receive His name, and name stands for character (Pro 22:1, Exo 34:5-7, Gen 32:28).

Those who receive the mark of the beast receive the beast's name name or character (Pro 22:1).

Conformity will be forced upon the people through economic boycott but God has promised that his people’s bread and water will be sure. (Isaiah 33:16)

“In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His law in obedience to earthly powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell. It will finally be decreed that they shall be put to death. See Rev. 13:11-17. But to the obedient is given the promise, “He shall dwell on high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.” Isa. 33:16. By this promise the children of God will live. When the earth shall be wasted with famine, they shall be fed. “They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” Ps. 37:19. To that time of distress the prophet Habakkuk looked forward, and his words express the faith of the church: “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Hab. 3:17,18.” DA p121.

The beast’s NAME has a number, 666 - v 18.

18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  • It is the number of the Beast.

  • The number of the beats is the number of a man.

  • That number is the number of his name.

  • The number of his name is 666

  • The Beast is symbolic of a kingdom.

  • The Kingdom spoken of here in Revelation 13 is Papal Rome.

  • The Beast of Revelation 13 has seven heads.

  • A head is symbolic of a kingdom – see Daniel 7 – Leopard had 4 heads.

  • The kingdom spoken of in Rev 13:1-10 is the one with the wounded head.

  • A head is symbolic of a King – cf Daniel 2’s King Nebuchadnezzar. – Dan 2:38.

  • The King of Papal Rome is the papa or Pope.

  • The Number of the beast is the number of a man.

  • The man of Papal Rome is the Pope.

  • The number of the beast is the number of a man

  • It is the number of the man's name.

  • The man is the Pope.

  • The number is the number of the Pope’s name.

  • The Pope has a name: VICARIUS FILII DEI

  • The letters of his name have numerical value.

  • The numerical value of his name adds up to 666.

The beast has already been identified in verses 1-10. The number 666 alone cannot be used to identify the beast as many names of other individuals can total 666. However, since the beast has been identified as Papal Rome, the number 666 must have something to do with this power, else there would be no reason for the angel in giving the number to John.

The common interpretation following the Reformation was that 666 referred to the numerical value of the pope’s title or name - VICARIUS FILII DEI. This was based on the identification of the pope as the man of the Beast system and Antichrist. The principle exponent of this view was Andreas Helwig (c. 1572-1643); (See L.E. Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2, p 605-608).

The Catholic journal, Our Sunday Visitor, stated, “The letters on the Pope’s mitre are these, Vicarius Filii Dei” This article went on to admit that the Latin numerals added together total 666 but stated that many other names also yield this number.

“Answers to Reader’s Questions,,” Our Sunday Visitor [Catholic], Nov 15, 1914.

“The letters inscribed in the Pope’s mitre [the hat he wears during the mass] are these: VICARIUS FILII DEI, which is the Latin for ‘Vicar of the Son of God.’” Our Sunday Visitor [Catholic], April 18, 1915. Bracketed comment added.

In the August 3 edition 1941, p7, the Sunday Visitor stated that the title Vicarius Filiii Dei is not on the popes tiara. The Tiara bears no inscription whatsoever. The Catholic Encyclopedia distinguishes between the Mitre and the tiara by describing the tiara as a non liturgical ornament and the mitre as one worn for liturgical functions. Whether Vicarius Filii Dei is on the Mitre or the tiara is besides the point. The title is admittedly applied to the head “MAN” of the papal system, the pope, and that is sufficient for the purposes of the prophecy.

“The title VICARIUS FILII very common as the title for the pope.” Dr. J. Quaston, S.T.D., School of Sacred Theology, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., March 5, 1995.

“666. The numeral letters of his name shall make up this number.” Douay (Catholic) Bible Note on Rev 13:18.

In Latin (Roman) some of the letters have numerical value. They are still in use today esp. on clocks & watches and known as Roman numerals: I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500; M = 1000.

Taking the letters of the pope’s Roman (Latin) title as Roman numerals we get:


5+1+100+0+0+1+5+0 = 112


0+1+50+1+1 = 53


500+0+1 = 501

= 666.

The Romans used the letters “u” & “v” interchangeably as can be seen in the chiselled lettering on many Roman monuments.

Other men’s names add up to 666 but they are not the man of Rome nor does any man fulfill ALL the identifying marks of the Beast. Only the Roman Papacy fulfills every specification and is therefore, the Beast of Revelation 13:1-10.

The Roman numerals with numerical values are as follows:

I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500; M = 1000. It is significant that the first 6 Roman numerals total 666

The number 6 has been Babylonian number from the beginning. See Daniel 3 size of the golden image.


Vicarius = “One in the place of”

Filii = “Son of”

Dei = “God”

“The leader of the Catholic church is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who “takes the place” of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity.”

John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p3, 1994].

Sunday Legislation is Coming

Sunday is held in common between Catholics and virtually all ʻProtestantʼ churches. The prophecy foretells that the USA (the two horned beast), will make an image or copy of the Papal system in which the State will enforce the churches laws. World affairs are converging to this final crisis.

The Last Test

The enforcement of Sunday-keeping by the USA will actually be the enforcement of the mark of Roman Catholicism. Those who, understanding the claims of Godʼs law, choose to observe the false instead of the true Sabbath will honour man above God and receive the Mark of the Beast. The last great test will be a choice between the commandments of God and the commandments of man.


Though well meaning, the on-going political activity of many Christians will lead to a situation few realize. Various world events are leading to the return of religious tyranny. The irony is that the coming religious intolerance will be led by the so-called “land of the free” - Protestant USA.

1. Terrorism laws are leading to persecution In order for the USA to form an image of the Papacy it must be prepared to persecute and overide existing rights.

Rights such as: (a) The right of privacy. (b) The right to a fair trial.

(c) The right to trial within a reasonable period. (d) Freedom from detainment, within a reasonable period, if uncharged.

Since the terrorist acts of Sept 11, the USA, on the grounds of national security, has effectivelly removed these rights. New laws allow authorities to overide all these rights on those declared terrorists. The definition of a terrorist is soon to include those who refuse to accept the mark of the beast.

2. Moral decay will lead to religious law

Moral corruption, increasing lawlessness, and the inability of the churches to make any real difference through persuasion alone, are leading Christians to seek political action - a new union of Church & State.

3. Shooting Massacres

The constitution which seperates Church & State also allows people to bear arms. The terrible shooting massacres are leading many toward changing the constitution in respect to the bearing of arms. Once the Constitution is changed in one particular the door is open to change it in any particular.

4. Disasters & pestilences (diseases) will lead to religious law

Natural disasters, and diseases on man and beast will become more and more frequent & disastrous (Matt 24:7). Christian leaders will declare that these calamities are the result of Sunday desecration and claim that they will not cease until Sunday keeping is strictly enforced.

5. Miracles will lead to religious law

Events occurring in Christian churches, and believed by millions to be miracles from God, will confirm the believers and convince others that God is with them and their efforts to have Sunday observance enforced by law.

“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the

earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles...saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast...” Rev 13:13-14; 16:14; 19:20; Matt 24:24.5.

Those who do not presently believe in the supernatural will easily be deceived when undeniable ʻmiraclesʼ begin happening.

6. Ecumenism will lead to religious law

The uniting of churches will result in the largest voting force of the USA. When this united body seeks to influence the government to enforce DOCTRINES HELD BY THEM IN COMMON, the government will not only listen, but act. It cannot do otherwise. America, thinking it is doing God service, will then influence the entire world to follow its example.

7. Spiritualism will lead to religious law

Messages from demons, but believed by many to be from God, will declare that God is pleased with those promoting Sunday legislation and displeased with those who keep the Biblical seventh day holy. (Rev 16:14; Isa 8:19-20).

The last earthly powers are now in place

In 1990 Dr. Malachi Martin, an Irish Roman Catholic priest; a retired professor of the Vaticanʼs Gregorian University; a historian; and most importantly, a Vatican insider having been a close associate of the Jesuit Cardinal Agostino Bea, a Vatican Administrator - recealed the Vaticanʼs assessment of its own political power.

The title page of Dr. Martinʼs book, The Keys of this Blood, summarized this theme:

“The struggle for wold dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev [then leader of the Communist USSR] and the capitalist West [which is defined as the USA and Western Europe].”

In 1990s the Soviet Union collapsed and fell out of the race, leaving two players - The Roman Catholic power and the USA. 2000 years ago John the Revelator described the rise and history of these very powers and showed that in the end they will form an alliance against the truth.

The Sunday Law Enforced

The masses, deceived by the false miracles, angered by the disasters, upset with low moral standards and led on by religious leaders, will agitate for enforced Sunday observance. At last the legislators of free America, in order to secure public favour, will give in to the popular demand for the law enforcing Sunday observance. Those who refuse to honour this mark of Roman Catholicism will not be able to buy or sell. The deceived will finally believe that the few who refuse to observe Sunday in place of the Sabbath are bringing the judgments of God upon them. They will reason that it is better that a few die rather than the world continue to suffer cataclysmic disasters (cf. John 11:50)). A decree will finally go forth appointing a day when all the faithful are to be slain. (Rev 13:15).

The Impending Crisis

Significant changes in our world are taking place and soon we will all be brought to a final test. All will make a decision of eternal consequence. As three Hebrews youths refused to worship the image in the days of literal Babylon and God delivered them (Daniel 3), so He will deliver the end-time faithful who refuse to worship the image of the beast.


(a) The beast exists today - Papal Rome.

(b) Millions of Christians have been deceived into accepting the Roman Catholic counterfeit interpretation of Bible prophecy called Futurism, which teaches that the antichrist has not yet risen.

(c) The events which led to the union of Church & State known as the Papacy, are happening again today as politically active Protestant churches are seeking political power. The Bible calls this union the “image of the beast.” See on Rev 13.

(d) The so-called people of God united with the State power will be the last great persecutors of the faithful!

(e) The leading Churches of the USA, united with the State, will lead the world in the persecution of the faithful while thinking they are doing God service. What an irony. As the established religious system of Christʼs day crucified the Saviour, so the established churches of the end-time will crucify Him in the person of His saints.

Roman Catholicism and Sunday Laws

Much could be quoted to show that Roman Catholicism believes that the State should enforce Catholic doctrines, including Sunday sacredness. A few modern quotations show nothing has changed:

“Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time Christians will naturally strive to ensure that CIVIL LEGISLATION respects their duty to keep SUNDAY holy.” Pope John Paul II, Dies Domini, 1998.

In 1998 Pope John Paul II issued another apostolic letter, Ad Tuendum Fidum (To Protect the Faith) designed to add to Catholic Canon Law:

“....WHOEVER obstinately rejects A TEACHING OF THE ROMAN PONTIFF or the College of to be punished with an appropriate penalty.” John Paul II, Ad Tuendum Fidum, 1998.


The term “Antichrist” is a transliteration of the Greek “Antichristos”

In the Greek “Antichrist” means - “Against” OR “Instead of” Christ.

The word is only found in Johnʼs epistles: (1John 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 7).

1. There are “MANY antichrists.” (1John 2:18; 2John 1:7)

2. Antichrists existed in Johnʼs day. (1John 2:18)

3. It is antichrist to deny that Jesus is the Christ (1John 2:18)

4. Antichrists come out from the church (1John 2:19)

5. Antichrist denies that Jesus came in the flesh (1John 4:3; 2John 1:7).

“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us...they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not of us.” 1 John 2:19.

6. They were made manifest. 7. The coming of Antichrist had been foretold sometime before John wrote. The antichrist in Johnʼs epistles parallels the man of sin in Paulʼs writings (See chart). The falling away from the truth resulted in the development of the man of sin.

Does the following show that all of Revelation 13 is to have a future fulfillment?

“The Sabbath question will be the issue in the great conflict in which all the world will act a part. [Rev. 13:4-8, 10 quoted.] This entire chapter is a revelation of what will surely take place [Rev. 13:11, 15-17 quoted].” MS 88, 1897. E.G. White, S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7, p979.

Some, on the basis of this quote, teach that the entire chapter of Revelation 13 is still to be fulfilled and that the 42 months are still future. Is this so? Should we expect two beasts (nations) to come to world-wide power in the future?

The same author of the quote we are discussing also applied much of Revelation 13 to the past.

“[Rev 13:5 quoted]...the forty two months... began with the supremacy of the papacy, A.D. 538, and TERMINATED in 1798.” E.G. White, Great Controversy, p439.

She identifes the first beast as the Papacy and the second beast as the USA. What then did she mean when she said, “this entire chapter is a revelation of what will surely take place”?

Simply put, those parts of the chapter that have been fulfilled, and those which remain to be fulfilled, reveal what will surely take place. That is, past events such as the union of church and state, which produced the Papacy, and the resulting religious persecution, are examples of what “will surely take place” again. Church and State will unite again and persecution will take place again.

The two BEASTS of Revelation 13 are here now. We are in the twilight of earth's history and all hell is about to break loose on those who value religious liberty.

May God bless you with wisdom and understanding as you study into these things. 2Tim 2:15




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